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Lost in trans nation : a child psychiatrist's guide out of the madness
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Author Biography

Miriam Grossman, MD is board certified in psychiatry and in the subspecialty of child and adolescent psychiatry. The author of five books, including Unprotected and You’re Teaching My Child WHAT?, Dr. Grossman's work exposing the origin and hazards of the sexuality and gender industry has been translated into eleven languages. She has testified in Congress and lectured at the British House of Lords and the United Nations. She is featured in Daily Wire’s What Is A Woman?, Fox Nation’s The Miseducation of America, and many other documentaries. Her expert psychiatric opinion is sought for witness testimony and court reports. Visit her at

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson is an author, psychologist, online educator, and Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto. For twenty years, he taught some of the most highly regarded courses at Harvard and the University of Toronto, while publishing more than a hundred well-cited scientific papers with his students and coauthors. His books and lectures have transformed the modern understanding of personality and revolutionized the psychology of religion.
- (Simon and Schuster)

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